About noshplan

Hi! I'm Thomas and I'm a nerd who loves solving problems. I started NoshPlan to solve a problem I was having myself. My wife recently started a strict diet that requires her to plan out her meals, and usually they're different from what the rest of the family is eating each night.

I'm the cook in our house and most nights I cook at least 2 different meals, so keeping track of what I'm cooking and the recipes for everything can be challenging. I needed something that made it easy for both of us to plan ahead.

Noshplan lets me plan meals ahead of time (I like to do my planning on Saturdays), save the recipes for each meal, and easily access all of that info when it's time to start cooking.

We're just getting started, so the first version has the basic features needed to plan meals and recipes. But we're already hard at work on exciting new features coming soon, including: The ability to follow other users and view each other's meals, nutritional info for meals, email reminders, the ability to track multiple meals per day, and much more!

We're also looking for feedback from our early users so we can improve NoshPlan and add features that make your life easier. Check out the Help Page for all the ways you can contact us with feedback or questions.